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Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Bear with me, I'm trying something new. It's a website called SCRAPBLOG You upload pictures and create scrapbook pages, that can be put on your blog. It's free, and easy to use. It was fun! Some of these pictures I posted already, but wanted to see how easy or hard it was to upload it onto my blog. There are 2 pages in this scrapbook. Click on PLAY SLIDESHOW to see both pages. Click VIEW FULL SIZE, and it will open a new page, and you'll see the whole thing much bigger. It was easy to do, and I think I like it! What do you think? Create your own when you get a minute, you just might get addicted to the fun!


mommy24treasures said...

I think its great. I have started to use scrapblog a couple of times but haven't given it a try yet.
I use photoshop elements 5.0 to make most of my scrap pges and I have tried the smilebox thing.

BrendaR said...

This looks great! I couldn't get mine to load onto my blog correctly last night. All I got was a black page. I must've done something wrong! We did at least get it to save them this time! Nice page! I love that site!

Anonymous said...

Ok... it's ALL your fault why I am sitting at the computer and not doing any housework!! Scrapblog is sooooo cool!! I've been messing around with it for the last 1/2 hour!! hehe your slideshow looks great!
:) Bridget

Steffie B. said...

I just found your blog! We have a Sophia too. We came home with her in April of 2005. Your family is beautiful. I'll be vack often!

Polar Bear said...

Beautiful pictures. I am going to have to check out scrapblog.

Lauren and Ed said...

You have a lovely family! Love the scrapblog too! :)